Tacchetti testati per tutte le suole MTB incluse.
Kit ramponi testati inclusi.
Kit ramponi testati per tutti i modelli di scarpe MTB dispobili su richiesta.
Leggerezza, comfort, praticità e rapidità nella calzata, sono le caratteristiche di questo modello. Realizzata con due velcri dei quali uno grande ed invertito, permettono una velocissima e personale chiusura anche durante la corsa. I materiali scelti per questo modello sono stati selezionati per aiutare la rapida asciugatura del piede donando un comfort estremo. Accorgimenti come l’uso di fodera anti scalzante posteriore, la fettuccia posteriore per velocizzare la calzata e la fettuccia laterale per preparare la scarpa in posizione orizzontale sul pedale, ne fanno caratteristiche uniche nel suo genere.
La scarpa è predisposta con un sistema studiato per velocizzare la calzata a scarpa aperta e già agganciato al pedale.
Per non perdere neanche un secondo.
I piedi non sono tutti uguali. CRONO e la sua fabbrica che produce scarpe da cinquanta anni lo sa bene. Queste scarpe presentano una calzata più larga e confortevole denominata appunto COMFORT FIT.
Se avete una pianta del piede più ampia o un volume maggiore queste scarpe potrebbero fare al caso vostro.
The L6 Boa® Fit System improves fit and functionality of your technical shoes. Bringing you closer to your equipment, the Boa Fit System delivers improved agility, response and control.
Boa® can be adjusted quickly and precisely with only one hand and your gear is quick to put on and take off.
The L6 Boa® Fit System improves fit and functionality of your technical shoes. Bringing you closer to your equipment, the Boa Fit System delivers improved agility, response and control.
Boa® can be adjusted quickly and precisely with only one hand and your gear is quick to put on and take off.
The L6 Boa® Fit System improves fit and functionality of your technical shoes. Bringing you closer to your equipment, the Boa Fit System delivers improved agility, response and control.
Boa® can be adjusted quickly and precisely with only one hand and your gear is quick to put on and take off.
The L6 Boa® Fit System improves fit and functionality of your technical shoes. Bringing you closer to your equipment, the Boa Fit System delivers improved agility, response and control.
Boa® can be adjusted quickly and precisely with only one hand and your gear is quick to put on and take off.
The L6 Boa® Fit System improves fit and functionality of your technical shoes. Bringing you closer to your equipment, the Boa Fit System delivers improved agility, response and control.
Boa® can be adjusted quickly and precisely with only one hand and your gear is quick to put on and take off.
The L6 Boa® Fit System improves fit and functionality of your technical shoes. Bringing you closer to your equipment, the Boa Fit System delivers improved agility, response and control.
Boa® can be adjusted quickly and precisely with only one hand and your gear is quick to put on and take off.
The L6 Boa® Fit System improves fit and functionality of your technical shoes. Bringing you closer to your equipment, the Boa Fit System delivers improved agility, response and control.
Boa® can be adjusted quickly and precisely with only one hand and your gear is quick to put on and take off.